Is that the men knew each other already. Shoes that indicates the identity very well. Should be conscious about choosing a special shoe. Better view of what should be what should not.

There should be a classic sneakers stick out your home.

         Shoes like that never lets you down. That is a simple lace sneakers that look as endnotes and no color patterns and non-covered items. You can add this to the second trouser shoes anywhere. The jeans Pants to work for entering military shorts or even shorts on, but gently.

There should be no effects on socks

          You can put a T-shirt features a pants pocket or even a feature on the shoes. But should not be feared because it features the socks will look up at the wrong without explaining why. Such as socks, cartoon designs. Or socks, the color green Choose a color socks should go together with the color of the shoes and the color of the pants. Especially if they wear with shorts Socks should be looking at a minimum height was at less than foot. Except the ball was kicked again on steam

Pant legs should be cut or folded Do not let the pile off shoes
           In this era, if the end of pant legs to float up over the foot a little cool even considered not guilty, in which case your pants fabric is not very thick. His pants are quite small. You can fold the end of pant legs instead of cut.

Do not use running shoes, casual shoes instead.
          Most running shoes are designed to be put to the weight. The first impact may well occur during the run. View larger shape is too bulky to be put out to play on regular walks. And make it difficult to mix and match. Except as sports shoes produced can be put out to walk to play. This is a sleek, streamlined than

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